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Elysium Medspa offers hormone therapy that helps you get back to feeling like yourself. 

Our providers can help with the treatment and management of chronic diseases, including:

Hormones Help to Regulate:

  • Temperature
  • Metabolism
  • Reproduction
  • Growth
  • Aging
  • Immune Functions

How Hormone Therapy with Elysium Medspa can Help

Hormones are manufactured by the endocrine glands, including the adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, and thyroid glands. As the body ages, the levels of hormones diminish. Additionally, present-day environmental toxins, diet, stress, and lifestyle can also lead to hormone depletion and insufficiency. Replenishment of hormones to optimal physiological levels has been shown to alleviate unbalanced hormone levels’ common symptoms. Elysium Medspa provides individualized hormone testing and replacement therapy to our patients. We work with you to make sure you feel like your best self!

You May Need Hormone Replacement Therapy if you are Experiencing these Symptoms: ​

  • Decreased energy, motivation, and initiative
  • Poor concentration and memory
  • Reduced sexual desire (erectile dysfunction in men), vaginal dryness
  • Irritability, mood swings, feelings of depression, excessive stress
  • Loss of muscle mass decreased strength and weight gain
  • Insomnia, increased sleepiness, hot flashes, or cold body temperature
  • Crave sweets or carbohydrates
  • Salty foods
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Increased joint pain
  • Increased facial or body hair
  • Loss of scalp hair
  • Acne, oily skin, thinning skin, or dry skin


HCG Injections

The HCG diet uses the power of human chronic gonadotropin along with a low-calorie diet to change your metabolism. Based on the research of Dr. Simeon’s, the HCG diet has been studied extensively over the last 60 years and is safe as long as it is medically supervised. When used combined with a low-calorie diet, HCG injections appear to influence the metabolism, increasing energy expenditures during dieting. This can lead to weight loss in traditional stubborn areas, including the belly, thighs, and chest. Most people can expect to lose around 20 pounds in 40 days.